3 days to declutter your mind, body, and home

Simple shifts for weight loss, vitality, and a much lighter life.

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Start living lighter TODAY.

This FREE 3-day experience will give you the tools to address the clutter—in your mind, body and home—so that you can become your lightest self yet.

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Day 1: Mind Clutter

This manifests as the negative thoughts that are weighing you down. Maybe you believe that you're too much or not enough. Or you spend a lot of time ruminating about your interactions with others. Regardless, mind clutter incessantly tells you that you deserve the extra wine and cake until you succumb.

Day 2: Body Clutter

This is what you put in and on your body that doesn’t do you any favors. Maybe you’re mindlessly consuming too many empty calories, using un-clean beauty products, or sitting at a desk all day. Body clutter becomes excess pounds that get between you and the life you want to live. 

Day 3: Home Clutter

This looks like an uncomfortable amount of stuff—like a closet that’s bursting with clothes or countertops that never get cleaned. Home clutter represents all of the distractions in which you looked for happiness and didn’t find it. The clutter in your home doesn’t just make a mess; it creates sensory overload and stress in your life.

Meet Your Host, Heather Aardema

As a former ad executive, I spent two decades convincing people that they needed to purchase the latest thing in order to be happy. And for most of that time, I believed it.

Struggling to find deeper meaning in my job towards the end of my career, I pulled out the credit card constantly telling myself "I deserved it" ("it" was usually chocolate, alcohol and Target shopping sprees) since I "had" to do work that was no longer fulfilling. Life felt complicated and chaotic

Then, I discovered minimalism—the intentional pursuit of focusing on what matters most (and ignoring all the distractions)and I felt myself getting lighter by the day. I walked away from corporate to pursue my dream of helping other women tackle their clutter, un-complicate their lives, and lose weight for good. Along the way I became a National Board Certified Health & Wellness coach, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and a Certified Life Coach. And with that, School of Living Lighter was born.

Registration Ends Soon!

The FREE challenge starts Wednesday, September 22, 2021. By the end of it, you'll already be living lighter! I'll be doing this challenge alongside you in our private Facebook group too!

Don’t wait to join!

Join the FREE 3-Day Challenge Now!

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Start living lighter, now!