Choosing Option B

Welcome to the season of candy corn and pumpkins. The weeks leading up to the new year with its new resolutions are a tough time for many—do we spontaneously splurge and regret it later, or do we deny ourselves while the rest of the family is enjoying all the deliciousness in the form of sweets, breads and such.

It can feel like a battle.

And we usually end up scathed.

We give ourselves permission to slide backward…to lose our sneak our kids’ candy.

So we put on a few pounds. And then a few more.

Life’s been hard and we deserve the treats we tell ourselves.

Yet deep down…we want better.

We want to feel lighter, healthier, more energetic.

We want to like our bodies.

We want to see who we can become.

But if we stay where we are, we’ll never get there.

Staying where we are means we know what to expect. It’s frustrating, but it’s not hard work. Eat what we want when we want. Don’t declutter. Sneak even more of our kids’ candy. This option keeps us safe but stuck.

But there's another option. I call it option B.

Option B is all about who you want to Become. It’s about your dreams and desires. It’s what you talk about when you share from your heart. It’s finally losing the weight—forever. It's feeling good in your skin again, it's wearing the clothes you want to wear, it's living light.

However, if you’re not 100% committed to the idea of who you want to become, whether or not you're conscious of it, you won't take the steps necessary to make real progress because you're quietly and consistently choosing the option of staying the same.

For true commitment, the option of staying the same has to be taken off the table. As long as it's an option, you will always waiver.

Mental fatigue is its own battle. And it comes from not committing. Of not evolving because we’re afraid.

If you want this season to be different, if you want to become the person you know you are deep inside, and if you want to clear the mental clutter—commit.

And if commitment feels scary, join us.

Real wellness starts with our thoughts. And that’s what we work on in Simply Full, my whole-body wellness and weight loss sisterhood.

If you want to feel light, and have a community cheering you on, we’ve got your back.

Instead of gaining weight, we're going to be releasing weight between now and the end of the year. Some of us will release 8 pounds and for others it will be 20 pounds.

We have a vibrant Facebook community, however you do not need to be on Facebook to be in Simply Full.

Click here to learn more.

I hope you'll join us and put your energy toward a body and life you love.

This season is for you.