Practicing Resilience

I just got home from a long pinch-me weekend that had one tiny dark kink to it.

I want to tell you about it because I’m getting a nudge to do so and I’ve decided to...

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How to Let Go to Live Light

My kids go to a Montessori school nestled at the base of a table mountain in Golden, Colorado.

For years I was in the rhythm of dropping them off at school and then hopping on...

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When Going Slow is Not Natural

For decades I've tried to go faster and faster. And I’m noticing I’m exhausted. 

So I'm curious what an intentional slowdown might look like and do for...

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Neutrality is the Lighter Path

Months ago, my husband Randy decided to celebrate his 50th trip around the sun by signing up for a 24-hour mountain bike race. He would do it as part of a relay team with three...

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How to Keep Going

My family and I spent two weeks last Summer visiting our extended families in the midwest. On our long drive back home to Colorado, somewhere in rural Iowa, in the early...

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The Magic of Intention Plus Action

Cole, my 12-year-old, is currently experiencing some "magic."

Soccer magic to be specific.

But it didn’t come easy for him. And it was an almost two-year journey to get to...

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Your 3 Best Decisions

I have a question for you.

What were 3 of the best decisions you made last year?

Wondering why I'm looking backward when we're on the cusp of a new year? Well, most of us live...

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Declutter

I used to put a lot of meaning into my things. As a young adult, I told myself that the stuff I had acquired meant that I was interesting. And that I was worthy of attention and...

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