I have a question for you.
What were 3 of the best decisions you made last year?
Wondering why I'm looking backward when we're on the cusp of a new year? Well, most of us live...
I used to put a lot of meaning into my things. As a young adult, I told myself that the stuff I had acquired meant that I was interesting. And that I was worthy of attention and...
When my two boys were in diapers, Friday evenings could not come soon enough. I was working full time, judging myself for not being home more with the kids, and exhausted by the...
Habits matter.
The things we consciously and unconsciously think, say and do on a daily basis create our realities. When you look at your life, are you inspired?...
“I deserve it.”
This is a thought that I don't say out loud, but think often. I’m not hyper-aware of it because it comes and goes quietly. I do know that...
The new year.
A time when many are trying to unsuccessfully convince themselves to exercise more, lose weight and get organized. Yet, you may have a few friends who...
When I was in junior high, I held my breath when I got called out of class to go see my guidance...
Decades ago I was asked to house-sit for a family who was traveling to France for the summer. They lived in a beautiful old home and wanted someone to feed their...