3 strategies for kicking your sugar habit

You’re trying to get off sugar. In fact, maybe you’ve kicked the habit a number of times. You might even remember that brief moment when you thought refined sugar...

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A journey from FOMO to JOMO

I’m a natural extravert but lately it may not seem that way. For me there’s nothing better than sitting among a small circle of women, connecting deeply over...

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Trying to eat healthy? Hereโ€™s how to get past Wednesday

My friend Cheryl’s corner lot garden was the most beautiful one on the block. We met when my husband Randy and I moved into the house next door to hers during the summer...

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How to succeed at New Year's Resolutions past February

For many there’s a motivating magic in a new year. We ask ourselves, what we want to bring forward into 2019? What do we want to leave behind in 2018? We think about...

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Become a happier, healthier you by turning fear into fascination

“Describe a time when Heather was most full of life, passion and purpose.” This was the question my business coach had me ask a handful of friends when I was...

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Carving out a simple new Thanksgiving tradition

Being an extravert and a lifelong fan of food, Thanksgiving ranks at the top of my favorite holidays. As a child I remember getting excited each time the door bell rang on...

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Treat yourself to a retreat

Somehow it’s November and only eight weeks from now we’ll be saying ‘Happy New Year’—some a little more cheerfully than others. Does this...

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Simple breakfast ideas that don't include canned pumpkin

“What the heck do you eat for breakfast?” I’m asked fairly often. Gone are the days of quickly pouring a bowl of cereal or grabbing a bagel on the go. Seven...

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